Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System

The local Patient Experience Team is here to help you with positive and negative feedback, queries, and complaints on NHS services in our local area.

The team works Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. If you call their freephone number and receive an answerphone message, please leave your name and telephone number so the team can return your call.

0800 2792535 - free phone number 

Find out more

About Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS)

All NHS Trusts in our area have their own teams who handle patient enquiries.

Most commonly these teams are referred to as Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) teams.

The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) offers confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters.

They provide a point of contact for patients, their families and their carers.

Local NHS Trusts

Addenbrooke's Hospital and The Rosie  - Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 

01223 216 756 or *801 from a bedside phone 

Royal Papworth Hospital 

01223 638896 or 01223 638963

Out of hours, please leave a message and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Peterborough City Hospital - North West Anglia Trust

01733 673405

Hinchingbrooke Hospital - North West Anglia Trust

01480 428964

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust

Freephone 0800 376 0775 (Office hours Monday to Friday)

Queen Elizabeth Hospital - King's Lynn

01553 613351 or 01533 613343

Cambridgeshire Community Services

Freephone: 0800 013 2511

Who else you can speak to

NHS England

NHS England leads the National Health Service (NHS) in England. They plan and pay for some services in our area. 

0330 3112233

Speak to our Information team

There may be lots of different organisations involved in providing your care. This can make it hard to work out which is the right one to talk to when there's a problem. 

Have a chat to our experienced team who can help you with information about your options. 

Contact us

Page checked on 26 Feb 2025