Our volunteers' programme earns UK quality award

It’s the UK quality standard for all organisations involving volunteers in their work.
And shows good practice in how we recruit, train and support our volunteers who help gather people’s experiences of health and social care services at community and health events across our area.
“This is a collaborative effort and demonstrates we value and support our volunteers,” said our Volunteer Manager Heather Lord, who led the work.
“It’s a nationally-recognised award from the National Council for Voluntary Organisations and shows we are great place to volunteer - and how much our volunteers mean to us."
Work on the award began in September 2019 but the assessment, which involved interviews with 19 volunteers and staff, took place during lockdown.
You can read the assessment report at the bottom of the page.
Although our current face-to-face engagement has been on pause since March due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many of our volunteers have stayed active in their communities or worked from home to continue to promote our work and get involved in other projects with us.
The award is a real boost for our whole team. We are so proud of what our volunteers do and all that they help us achieve.
About the award
Over 1,000 organisations have achieved the IiV quality award throughout the UK.
The IiV standard lasts three years and covers nine areas of volunteer management including:
- Diversity of volunteers – at Healthwatch they include young people with learning disabilities
- How volunteer roles are developed
- Induction
- Support
- Recognition
What our volunteers said
'I've had a really positive experience. They are very keen, they want to get it right.”
“They give you teaching and support to carry out roles.”
“All the staff are lovely and supportive and I am always made to feel welcome,' '
“We know we are making a difference.”
“They are very good at communicating with us, making sure we are up to scratch and have confidence.”