Have your say on local services at Healthwatch's Annual Health and Care Summit

Championing Access - this year the spotlight is on equal access to health and care services and on the big changes to how services are working.

Health and care services are under huge pressure and are working hard to meet the needs of local people.

And our summit event is an opportunity for you to find out how services are changing, what's being done to make care more joined up, and to tell us how care could be better for you.

Thursday 7 July, 10am to 3pm 

KingsGate Centre, 2 Staplee Way, Parnwell, Peterborough, PE1 4YT

Everyone is welcome at our friendly, free in-person event.  

A light lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Two women at a Healthwatch event looking at a mobile phone

Unfair and avoidable barriers to care

We know that some people can find it harder to get the care they need. And people in our poorer communities are living an average of ten years less than their wealthier neighbours. 

Research shows that demographic factors, that's things like your age, your gender identity, your ethnicity and where you live, can all affect:

  • Your ability to access healthcare
  • Your life expectancy
  • Your chances of living with significant health issues

And at Healthwatch, we hear a lot about the barriers that older and disabled people, and those with no internet access can face in accessing care.

Tackling health inequalities is one of the top priorities of our local NHS and care services. And hearing your views and experiences can help them in designing services that work better for everyone. 

With both the NHS and social care under extreme pressure and patients more and more frustrated at access and waiting times, now is the right time to discuss how services must be rebuilt around the needs of the people they serve.

Stewart Francis, Chair of Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Book your place

You can book your place by telephone, text or filling in the online booking form below.

Call 0330 355 1285

Text 0752 0635 176

Email enquiries@healthwatchcambspboro.co.uk

Book online

Easy Read invitation

Services working together

From July, the different organisations that help you with your health and care are coming together as Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System. So local councils, NHS hospitals, community health services, family doctors, NHS 111, ambulance and voluntary services are joining up.

And they will work together to plan, pay for and deliver care in communities across our area.

Find out how services are changing and what’s being done to help make care more equal for everyone.

Guest speakers

We will be welcoming the following guest speakers to our event. 

  • Jackie Cook who is blind, is a member of the Sensory Partnership Board and organiser of the Cambridge Guide Dog Forum. She will be sharing her experiences and talking about how services work for people who are blind and visually impaired.  
  • Louise Ansari, the new National Director of Healthwatch England, will be talking about how health inequalities are affecting people across the country and what Healthwatch are doing nationally to help the NHS and care services tackle this. 

  • John O’Brien, Chair Designate of NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough which is part of the ICS. They will be responsible for planning and paying for health and care services from July. He will be listening to your feedback and sharing the ICS’s plans for the future.

Take part in our workshops

You can choose up to two free workshops to have your say, be inspired and get some practical information and advice. 

There will also be a chance to find out about the different technology available to help you stay independent in your home for longer. You can find out how different equipment works and book a care assessment from the council.

See the full programme

This event is a joint Adult Social Care Partnership Boards and local Healthwatch event to look at health inequalities and how to tackle them.