Share for Better Care Week

This week we are supporting the Share for Better Care campaign. Take three minutes to share your experience of health and social care!
Share for Better Care Week 2025. Use your free time to make a difference. It takes 3 minutes to share your health or care experience.

This week we have been supporting Share for Better Care week, a campaign led by Healthwatch England and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Public feedback about NHS and social care support helps services spot problems, identify what's working well, and finds areas for improvement.

Share for Better Care week has been highlighting how everyone can transform an everyday spare moment - whether waiting for the kettle to boil or the bus to arrive - into an opportunity to make a positive impact by sharing feedback about their care.

It's not too late to get involved!

By sharing your health or social care experiences, you can help make a difference.

We are here to listen to what you like about services and what you think could be improved. No matter how big or small the issue, we want to hear about it.

You can share your experiences with us at any time throughout the year. Simply scroll to the bottom of this article to our 'Share your views' button.

Who is supporting Share for Better Care week?

Organised by the Care Quality Commission and Healthwatch England, the campaign aims to encourage more people to share their feedback to drive improvements in health and care.

The campaign is supported by:

  • The Race Equality Foundation
  • National Dignity Council
  • Royal Association for Deaf people
  • National Voices
  • The Challenging Behaviour Foundation
  • The Patients Association
  • VoiceAbility
  • Disability Rights UK