Our annual report 2021 to 2022

Our Annual Report for 2021-22 is published today and highlights the work of our Healthwatch over the last year and shows how your feedback has helped influence improvements in health and care services.

This year, we have heard from more than 2,000 people about their health and care experiences. And provided advice and signposting to more than a thousand people — this is a record number of enquiries.

It has been another challenging year for local health and care services, and for those waiting for care. But your feedback has helped the NHS and care organisations improve services.

From helping to reduce isolation and loneliness for care home residents to better information on GP websites. And from involving autistic people in shaping future autism services to helping our local authorities improve the letters they send to carers. 

Our projects this year

Some of the projects we've worked on between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022.

  • Helped get Covid-19 vaccination, testing and self-isolation information out to communities in Peterborough and Fenland.
  • Launched a new British Sign Language survey to help people from the Deaf community share their experiences.
  • Involved in an innovative project developing Health and Care profiles to help the NHS understand the needs of people who face more barriers to care.
  • Launched a project to find out about local people’s experiences of living in residential or nursing care during the pandemic.
  • Supported a national call for urgent action to improve access to NHS dentistry.
  • Rolled out a local campaign to raise awareness of disabled people’s rights to have information at health and care appointments provided in a format they can understand.

Read our report

Please contact us if you need this report in a different format.

Championing what matters to you - full report
Championing what matters to you - screen reader friendly version
Easy Read report about what we have done this year

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