Sensory Impairment Partnership Board Minutes April 2023 to March 2024

Read more about the issues discussed by the Sensory Impairment Partnership Board this year.

Meeting 18 May 2023

The Partnership Board had been expressing concerns about the ease of getting GP appointments for people who have sensory impairments. They were pleased to have a presentation on GP appointments from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board who are responsible for NHS services in this area.


Meeting of 17 August 2023

This meeting had a presentation and discussion on the Making Connections proposal from the Greater Cambridge Partnership.

The Partnership Board also had a presentation about the upcoming Care Quality Commission assessment which both Council's will be undergoing.

23 November 2023

This meeting had a discussion about a meeting that had been organised by the RNIB with Stagecoach East and also included the Partnership Board and other visual impairment organisations.

22 February 2024

The main focus of this meeting was a presentation and discussion with the Virtual Wards (also known as Hospital at Home) team from North West Anglia Foundation Trust's Hinchingbrooke Hospital.

They were explaining what Virtual Wards are, but also showing the equipment, giving people an opportunity to look and feel it, and the team were asking how they can make sure it is fully accessible to people with sensory impairments.

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