Our forum is a voice for people who use wheelchairs across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. 

Come along to one of our public meetings and have your say too.

Our Wheelchair Forums are hybrid sessions held four times a year and are open to the public to join - there's no need to register!

What happens at our meetings?

The purpose of these meetings is to ensure that we hear the voices of wheelchair users who receive a wheelchair from the NHS Wheelchair Service, as well as those who purchase/hire from mobility stores and mobility scooters which are privately purchased, and their experiences are shared with organisations that can help improve services.

We discuss a wide variety of topics in these meetings, including:

  • NHS wheelchair services
  • Private providers of wheelchairs
  • Mobility scooters
  • Wheelchair assessments
  • Accessibility issues
  • Issues raised by people who use wheelchairs and mobility scooters

AJM Healthcare, the company currently contracted to provide NHS wheelchair services, attend every meeting. They work proactively with the Forum to understand issues that are raised and ensure that feedback is used to improve the service.

The Integrated Care System also attend the Forum to understand issues and concerns raised where they relate to issues outside of the Wheelchair Service control, such as supply issues and NHS guidance.

“AJM Healthcare puts people at the heart of everything we do and the wheelchair user forums are a great place for us to engage with our service users and for people to share their experiences, good or bad, which enables us to explore key issues in depth. You could also help co-design the wheelchair service and have your say, alongside the people who can action changes. We look forward to meeting you there.”

Steph Splevings, Service Operations Manager, AJM Healthcare

Who else comes to our sessions?

  • The company contracted to provide the wheelchair service - currently AJM Healthcare
  • Independent Members – people who use wheelchairs and their carers who provide or manage care and support to family members or friends
  • Organisations that represent the views of carers
  • Statutory Services – Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System which funds the wheelchair service.
  • Guest speakers providing information and advice for keeping active, both physically and mentally, and on issues raised by the Forum, such as transport, roads and pavements etc.

Get in touch

Contact Graham Lewis, Partnership Development Manager

0330 355 1285

07432 865996



Minutes of meetings

The minutes of our meetings held in 2024 are here: 

10th April 2024

This meeting discussed areas that the Forum members felt were priority issues to be looked at during this year. 

10 July 2024

This meeting had a presentation form Cambridgeshire Home Improvement Agency about the Disabled Facilities Grants and the work that can be carried out under these. The meeting also had an update from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board regarding the tender for the NHS Wheelchair Service in this area. 

9th October 2024

At this meeting Jess Slater, CEO of Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, discussed the future strategy of our Healthwatch and listened to the views of meeting participants. The new strategy will will run from 1st April 2025 for 5 years.

This meeting also had a presentation on FISH Insurance about their wheelchair cover.

8th January 2025

The meeting has now been held; however, the minutes will be uploaded once they have been approved at the next meeting in April 2025.

9th April 2025

This meeting has not yet taken place. 

9th July 2025

This meeting has not yet taken place. 

8th October 2025

This meeting has not yet taken place. 

"I feel pleased and proud to be a part of the Wheelchair User Forum and hope to make a useful contribution so that the service can be improved and users can obtain the chair they need in order to improve their quality of life.

Tony Honour, Forum Chair

Get in touch

Contact Graham Lewis, Partnership Development Manager

0330 355 1285

07432 865996


Find out more

Read the papers from our previous meetings and find out where we've made a difference.

Find out more