The value of listening

Our Annual Report 2023-24 highlights the work of Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough during the past year and demonstrates that, by listening to your lived experiences, together we can make a difference.
Three women outdoors, laughing and hugging

We continue to gather and share your feedback about accessing local health and care services with NHS leaders and decision makers, in order to identify what is working well and where improvements need to be made.

NHS and care services remain under huge pressure and over the last 12 months we have continued hear about the difficulties people are having booking a GP appointment or finding an NHS dentist. 

That's why our role in getting the voice of patients heard is more important than ever.

In particular, with the help of our volunteers, we try to reach communities that are less heard from and help tell their stories and our Annual Report provides many examples of how we have achieved that aim.

More than 2,000 people have contacted us this year to share their experiences of care or almost 600 people approached our Information Team for advice or signposting.

Healthwatch plays such an important role as a trusted source of information and advice, and as a health and care champion for our local communities. Our work in this regard remains as vital as ever and we hope to support even more people in ensuring that services work for them in the year ahead.

Jess Slater, CEO of Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Hearing from all communities

Our Annual Report illustrates how we have helped influence improvements in health and care services over the past 12 months, including calling for wider digital inclusion, increased access to GP appointments, and breaking down barriers to service provision.

Read our report

Annual Report 2023-24