Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough welcome Darzi NHS review

Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have broadly endorsed the findings of Lord Ara Darzi’s review of the NHS, published on 12th September.
People sitting in the waiting area of a medical centre.

The review found the service is in a ‘critical condition’ with long waiting lists, a deterioration in the nation’s underlying health and problems faced by people accessing services. 

However, it also points the way to change, and the review will underpin the Government’s 10-year plan to reform the NHS, consultation on which is expected to start later this year.

Jess Slater, CEO at Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, said: “We welcome Lord Darzi's report. Although the NHS does much good, patients continue to share with us their frustrations and confusion about accessing care. 

"We regularly hear about significant difficulties in accessing GP appointments and NHS dentistry, and people often face long waiting times for hospital treatment. These challenges are not experienced equally, with poorer communities hit hardest, and our Summit in October will focus on these inequalities and how to tackle them.”

Stewart Francis, Chair of Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, added: "Listening to the patient voice is vital to help restore public confidence in the NHS. Prioritising the issues that matter most to people will be key in achieving the delivery of timely, safe and quality care.

"We fully support the call for improvements to patient communications and administration, giving people a choice of how to access care. Establishing a better listening culture within the NHS will enable the public to help shape the future of healthcare and ensure the system works for everyone."