Healthwatch sets strategy for the next five years

Our communities face big challenges. A growing number of people need help with long-term health conditions, whilst illnesses associated with unequal life chances and lifestyle are adding to the demand on services.
Local health and care services are also facing big money pressures.
What we want to do
It is our job to make sure that people’s views help shape local services. Now and as they change to meet people’s needs in the future. We want to make the most difference we can for local people.
We looked carefully at what is happening locally in the health and care system. We talked to local people and organisations to find out what they think the big issues are.
These are the five priorities we have chosen:
One – the promotion of independence and self-care
People want to be able to look after their own health and need better information to do this. We will help health and care organisations understand where information can be improved.
Two – Easier access to GP, dentist, pharmacy and other primary care services.
People tell us that it can be hard to get appointments when they need them. We will involve people in thinking about how services can work differently to provide better care.
Three – More joined up social care and integrated support services.
Services are confusing and people can have problems moving from one part of the system to another. We will challenge health and care services to improve systems so they work better for people.
Four – Better mental health services for everyone.
People tell us they can not always get the mental health support they need. We will help to get people involved in designing new community mental health services. And make sure what people tell us informs changes made to local mental health support.
Five – Involving people in redesigning the services they use
Health and care is often organised around systems and organisations, not people. We will help decision-makers understand the value of involving people. And we will help develop effective forums for people to have their say.