Older People's Partnership Board minutes April 2023 to March 2024

Read about the issues being discussed by our Older People's Partnership Board over the last year.

Meeting of 12 June 2023

This meeting had a presentation on the Accommodation Strategy of Adult Social Care at Cambridgeshire County Council.

Meeting of 11 September 2023

This meeting had a presentation from Cambridgeshire County Council on its transformation project for Day Opportunities.

The Partnership Board also had a presentation on the upcoming inspection of Social Care at both Council's by the Care Quality Commission.


11 December 2023

This meeting had a presentation from the Voluntary Sector Alliance which is delivering a discharge from hospital scheme to ensure people leave hospital safely, maintain their independence and reduce re-admission to hospital.

This meeting also had an update from Public Health on their Falls Prevention Strategy. 

11 March 2024

This meeting had an update on the commissioning of care at home from Peterborough City Council.


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